During the time in Chinese history known as the Spring and Autumn Period, there lived a high-ranking imperial official in State of Jin, named Jie Zitui. Jie Zitui cared for people of Jin as if they were his own children, and he never became a greedy, corrupt official.
One year, a few such sinister officials got together and plotted the murder of Chong’er - the eldest prince who was the designated heir to the throne. When Jie Zitui uncovered this, he took Chong’er under his protection. Together they fled the country and went into exile.
Jie Zitui and Chong’er ended up getting lost in the mountains without food. Jie Zitui found a secluded place away from Chong'er. He cut a slice of flesh from his own leg and roasted it over a fire. He gave this to Chong'er, who wolfed it down.He consumed it completely in no time, and only then did he think to ask, “Where did this meat come from? Is there any more?” Jie Zitui pulled up his pants, and said, “If my prince wants more I will cut a piece from my other leg.”重耳感动得流着泪说:“你这样待我,我将何以报答你!”介子推说:“我不求公子报答,但求公子以后做一个清明的国君!”
Chong’er was completely overwhelmed. Tears poured down his face as he said, “You're so good to me. What would I do to ever repay you!” Jie Zitui responded, “I do not wish my prince to reward me. I ask that my prince will always be good and just, and a most honorable king of all kings.”经过十九年的颠沛流离,重耳终于重登国君之位(史称晋文公)。他遍赏流亡期间跟随他的人,却忘了介子推。
After nineteen years of a very hard life in exile, Chong’er was finally summoned back to the State of Jin to be crowned as King. He rewarded the people who had loyally followed him through those nineteen years of exile and great sacrifice. But he forgot all about Jie Zitui.有人在重耳面前替介子推鸣不平,重耳猛然想起旧事,忙差人去请介子推上殿受赏,但介子推就是不来。重耳亲自去请才得知介子推不愿见他,背着老母亲进山隐居。
Soon this was pointed out to him, as some people felt it was not right and not fair to Jie Zitui. Chong’er quickly realized his mistake. Memories of those old days came back to him. Without any delay he sent officials to invite Jie Zitui to come to the palace and receive his reward. He sent several invitations to Jie Zitui. But Jie Zitui would not come to the palace.
Chong’er decided to go in person to Jie Zitui. But Jie Zitui did not want to see the King. He had put his elderly mother on his back and gone into Mountain.重耳带着御林军一直寻到绵山脚下,林海茫茫,不见介子推的踪影。这时有人献计放火烧山,将介子推逼出来。大火烧了一天一夜,重耳与随从们踏着残烟剩火,进山寻找,终于在一棵烧残的大柳树下发现介子推母子焦黑的尸体。
Chong'er and his imperial guards tried to pursue Jie Zitui, and went all the way to the foot of Mian Mountain. All that met their eyes was an endless sea of trees of the forest. There was no trace of Jie Zitui. Then someone suggested they torch the trees on three sides of forest, that way, with the forest on fire, Jie Zitui would have to come out on his own.
The forest fires went on for a day and a night. But Jie Zitui did not come out of the mountain. Finally, Chong'er and his followers went up into the mountain, stepping on the burnt trees and the ashes. In the end they found the charred bodies of Jie Zitui and his mother.重耳躬身下拜,不禁放声痛哭。在介子推的衣襟上用血写道:“臣在九泉心无愧,勤政清明复清明。”
Chong’er’s grief was great and broke into loud sobbing. He Made deep bows before Jie Zitui’s body. On Jie Zitui's cloth was written in blood: “I, your faithful servant, in the realm of the murky underworld, have no regrets. Govern with diligence and govern with reason. I beseech you to be a just and clean ruler. Always remain clean and bright.从此,重耳下令,每年这天禁燃烟火,寒食一日,并将这天定为寒食节。
Later, the King issued a decree and ordered the banning of open fires on this day every year, with only cold food to be consumed. This day in the calendar was thus declared Hanshi, or “Cold Food Festival.”第二年寒食节时,重耳率群臣到绵山下寒食一日,第二天登山祭奠。重耳望着复活的老柳树,绿枝千条,就像看见了介子推一样。于是重耳把复活的老柳树赐名为清明树,又把这一天定为清明节。
One year later, on the day of Hanshi, Chong'er led his court officials onto Mian Mountain, and for the whole day ate nothing but cold food. The day after that, he dressed in mourning and walked to the burial site on foot. Chong’er discovered the old burnt willow tree had come back to life.
He looked at the thousands of green dangling willow branches. He felt as if he was with Jie Zitui again. Chong’er named the revived old willow tree, the “Tree of Qingming,” or the tree of Clear Justice and Bright Governance. And he designated this day as “Qingming," or Day of Pure Brightness.后世,人们为了纪念介子推,每逢清明节前,寒食一日。第二天清明时,头戴柳圈儿,在门前沟边插上柳枝,以表示怀念和崇敬之情。演变至今,每年清明,人们都为逝者扫墓,以示怀念。
Every year, the day before Qingming Festival, to commemorate Jie Zitui, people eat cold food for one day. On the Day of Pure Brightness, they make wreaths of willow sprigs to wear on their heads. They also hang willow branches on their doors. The people of Jin wanted to show how deeply they respected Jie Zitui, truly cherishing him dearly in their memory.
Eventually, every year on Qingming Festival, families use this occasion to honor their departed loved ones by visiting and sweeping their graves.《幼学启蒙系列丛书》
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